I am trying to debug a crash reported by Firebase Crashlytics found in the latest version of my app.
The error seems somewhat obfuscated (despite having uploaded a ProGuard mapping file) and based on the vagueness of the error I am struggling to pinpoint the issue.
I fully understand the Text strings must be rendered within a <Text> component
error description - but this error didn't show up in testing and seems to be something to do with the latest release build.
If anyone knows any tips as to how I can pinpoint where this fatal exception is occurring, I would appreciate it.
All I can determine is that the error occurs in a subview of a ScrollView
component. Is there anything else that can be taken from this message to help me determine the cause?
Invariant Violation: Invariant Violation: Text strings must be rendered within a component. This error is located at: in RCTView in RCTView in RCTView in RCTView in RCTScrollView in h in RCTView in n in _ in p in RCTView in RCTView in l in RCTView in n in RCTView in u in RCTView in u in PanGestureHandler in n in S in P in p in RCTView in u in RCTView in u in n in n in E in RCTView in n in RCTView in u in PanGestureHandler in n in L in RCTView in n in t in P in v in RCTView in n in A in s in Unknown in RCTView in RCTView in c This error is located at: in A in s in Unknown in RCTView in RCTView in c, stack: v@82:187 Pa@82:69549 _a@82:68342 Ea@82:66044 Ea@-1 xa@82:64787 xa@-1 pn@82:25281 dn@82:25187 Ue@82:81498 Me@82:13499 Fe@82:13672 receiveEvent@82:14058 value@23:3518 @23:822 value@23:2772 value@23:794 value@-1
-keep class io.invertase.firebase.** { *; }
-dontwarn io.invertase.firebase.**
-keep class com.crashlytics.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.crashlytics.**
# Crashlytics
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
-keep public class * extends java.lang.Exception