I was trying to send an image and some description from my React Native app to a Node Rest Api but it never reaches the api. This is my code:
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("imageFile", {
uri: image.uri,
type: "image/jpeg",
name: filename,
image.uri is similar to this: "file:///data/user/0/host.exp.exponent/cache/ExperienceData
and filename: "e54acf1b-5391-4db3-87e5-a8765decf3c5.jpg"
formData.append("data", {fromApp: "true", userId: "testID123"});
const response = await fetch(
serverIp + "/manageFiles/almacenImagenes",{
method: "POST",
//headers: {'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'}, //doesn't work with or without this
body: formData
const resData = await response.json();
console.log("ERROR:", err);
When I send an image, fetch throws the error: [TypeError: Network request failed]. And no request is received by my node server. I've tried sending a FormData only with strings, something like:
let formData = new FormData();
That is sent, but the body of the request is empty.
I also prove this:
const response = await fetch(serverIp + "/login", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({
fromApp: true,
And it works correctly, but with that I cannot send an image.
I'm using Expo version 35.0.0 and React Native version 0.59.8, and I'm testing the app in a real Android device. Please someone can tell what I'm doing wrong, I've been looking for an answer everywhere but I haven't found anything that works for me.