Steps used are
1) create-react-native-app testApp
successfully created testApp directory.
2) inside android folder adding {path to sdk}
3) now it says to run 'cd testApp' and 'npm run android'
4) after executing above steps successfully app-debug.apk is successfully installed on my connected device.
5) after launching testApp on my mobile it says below error.
6)Then searching for some link I got solved-unable-to load-script
7) after following it steps taken like creating assets directory 'android/app/src/main/assets' and running cmd 'react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest'
error: Unable to resolve module warnOnce
from node_modules/react-native/Libraries/react-native/react-native-implementation.js
: warnOnce could not be found within the project.
I am stuck also I have followed some links on StackOverflow but still not able to proceed.
Can somebody help me what to do next also are there any simpler steps to run this application on any android device easily?.